The exchange takes place automatically 24/7, without operator intervention.

Exchange rate: 2.15840053 LTC = 1 XMR

min.: 1 LTC max.: 20 LTC


min.: 0.463306 XMR max.: 9.266121 XMR

User data

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Exchange Litecoin LTC to Monero XMR

Instructions for exchanging Litecoin to Monero

  1. Fill in the fields in the form on the website.

  2. Read the terms of exchange.

  3. Confirm your agreement with the terms by checking the boxes.

  4. Click the “Exchange” button.

  5. Pay for the application by following our instructions.

After completing the specified steps, your funds will be credited to your account. If you have any questions or problems with exchanging Litecoin to Monero, please contact our technical support. We are available every day from 08:00 to 22:00 Moscow time.

Important: Unpaid requests to transfer Litecoin LTC to Monero XMR are deleted automatically. If the request was paid but deleted, write to support to restore it. The final amount can be recalculated at the current exchange rate.

Enjoy your profitable exchange of Litecoin LTC to Monero XMR. Best regards, the
